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Senior Centers in Victoria BC

No man is an island, they say, and no woman either!  Regardless of age we all need social contact; family and friends to keep us healthy and engaged with the world around us.  As we age, the loss of friends, family and spouse can lead to a loss of these vital connections and it’s critical that we find new friends and activities.  The large number of retired people in Victoria means that there are many senior centers in Victoria BC where you can participate in any number of programs to keep yourself busy, meet new people and learn new things.

There are a number of dedicated facilities offering a wide range of programs for people 50 and older in Victoria, including:

  • Cook Street Village Activity Center – is a non-profit organization offering social, educational and recreational activities for persons of all ethnic and cultural backgrounds 50+ years of age.
  • Silver Threads Service – operates two centers in the Greater Victoria Area along with numerous outreach programs at recreation facilities and community centers around town.  The two; Victoria Center and Saanich Center both offer programs for those 55 and better.
  • Juan De Fuca 55 Plus Senior Citizens Center – located at the Juan De Fuca Recreation Center serves the seniors of the western communities.
  • Central Saanich Senior Citizens Association operates “The Center” located beside the Central Saanich branch of the Vancouver Island Regional library.  This 50-plus group offers social, fitnes and educational programs to retired people living on the Saanich Peninsula.  Phone 250-478-8384
  • Monterey Seniors Recreation Center – located in Oak Bay near the Oak Bay Recreation Center offers a similar range of programs for local residents.

Most Greater Victoria area recreation centers also offer programs geared towards 50 or 55 and older residents, so people who are enjoying retirement living in Victoria don’t need to travel far to access programs and activities.  As this demographic is expected to blossom as the bulge of baby boomers ages, it’s a good thing there are so many senior centers in Victoria BC.

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