Victoria Realty Market Statistics March 2022

We have the market statistics for Victoria Real Estate in March 2022 and we are happy share these with our website guests.

Victoria Real Estate Stats for Condos and Apartments in March 2022

Looking at the March 2022 Real Estate statistics for Victoria Condos and Apartments vs. the 2021 report is fairly promising in most areas but a 26% drop in the number of listings stands out.

Illustration showing Victoria Real Estate Statistics for Condos and Apartments in March 2022

This report includes individually owned and managed condos as well as apartment units that are owned by a single entity and leased to tenants.

Victoria Real Estate Stats for Single Family Homes in March 2022

The Real Estate statistics for Victoria Single Family Homes in March 2022 compared to the data from the same period in 2021 looks very similar to other markets with prices going up, units selling faster, and less listings overall.

Illustration showing Victoria Real Estate Statistics for Single Family Homes in March 2022

Victoria Real Estate Stats for Row and Townhouse in March 2022

Looking at the March 2022 Real Estate statistics for Victoria Row and Townhouse vs. the 2021 report is fairly promising in most areas.

Illustration showing Victoria Real Estate Statistics for Row and Townhouse in March 2022

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